5 Simple Tips for Effective Web Content

It’s been said over and over again that when it comes to websites, “Content is King”. Good content will help…

5-Simple-Tips-for-Effective-Web-ContentIt’s been said over and over again that when it comes to websites, “Content is King”. Good content will help to draw in visitors to your website, and even get them to talk about your brand positively. For businesses, persuasive content is the way to convince potential customers to patronize their products and services; thus, they should pay close attention to it when they are engaging in custom web design.

Here are some tips for writing effective web content:

1. Use keywords and key phrases.

Searching content via search engines has become an integral part of digital life. When people “Google” their queries, the websites that appear on the first Search Engine Results Page tend to get the most visibility and hits.

The best way to get high rankings on SERPs is by using keywords and key phrases within the website’s content. That way, it will be deemed as relevant in terms of what people are searching for. However, keyword stuffing — or putting in too many keywords within the content — is not advised.

Search Engine Marketing or SEM marketing is also a good way to ensure one’s website appear at the top of search engine results. These are paid ads that are shown to the target audience based on their queries.

  1. Use the inverted pyramid style.

Effective web content mostly uses the inverted pyramid style that is commonly seen in news articles — the most important information is summarized at the top and the details are given in the succeeding paragraphs. This is so that readers will get a gist of the content, and they might be enticed to read on to find out more.

  1. Use familiar language.

While it is easy to google the meanings of words and phrases, visitors often do not have the patience to do so. They want to read content that is easy enough to understand, which means that the language the writer uses should match the language of the reader. For instance, if the product is for medical professionals, then medical terms will not be inappropriate, however if those products are targeted toward the non-medical professionals, then jargons and industry terminologies will not serve them as they are hard to understand.

Writers need to be able to write content that is genuine and sincere rather than trying to sound impressive and scientific. In addition, they could practice using active tense as it will help to make the article sound more energetic.

  1. Make the content meaty.

When people visit a website and stop long enough to read an article, they expect to find an answer to their question, get more information about the subject they are interested in, or find a solution to their problem. They do not want to waste their time reading an article that is full of repetition and unnecessary words.

A business will not benefit from posting content that is full of fluff because it will not build trust and respect. Meaty content on the other hand, provides relevant and honest information that will help to boost the company’s reputation as an expert in their field. When it comes to web content, every word counts.

  1. Make it catchy.

Internet users and online shoppers like to find what they are looking for instantly. They glance and scan, and only if something catches their attention will they stop to read more. Thus, apart from creating a catchy headline, one should break down the content with headers, bullets, and numbering. Avoid walls of text that has no white spaces, and keep sentences and paragraphs short.

A good web page design helps in making the content look more appealing and it also creates a positive visual impression. At Subzero Lab, we design and develop customized web designs that match the image that the company wants to project. We also offer Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), and SEM marketing services. Call us at +65 8188 5159 or drop us a line at wow@subzerolab.sg for more details.

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