Fluid grids are at the very core of responsive design. Grids allow you to align elements on your page and lay them out in a visually appealing way, following a certain hierarchy. Fluid grids scale depending on the size of the user’s screen and make sure that all page elements follow suit.
Smartphone, Tablet, or Desktop – Court Your Customers on Them All
Many Screens – One Web Solution
Our team of dedicated web designers are well versed in the art and craft of designing intelligent web solutions for businesses of varying needs and requirements.
We know how to perfectly design and execute dynamic resizing of not just the graphics but also the content, so that they look and feel similar across different visibility and ranking in all the major search engines.

Why Choose Us
We know how to churn out the perfect responsive web design for your website.
What is Responsive Website?
A website that is designed responsively has the capacity to adapt seamlessly to the screen resolution of the accessing device.
Traditionally, most sites were designed to appeal to visitors that were using devices with large screens such as desktop and laptop computers. These traditional designs were only compatible with the high resolution and large sized PC or laptop displays.
When viewed on mobile devices, some parts of the site are often cut off or do not otherwise render well on these devices.
This adversely affects the mobile user’s experience and limits the usability of these sites on mobile platforms.
A responsive site has the ability to detect the resolution of the device that is accessing it and display content that is designed for the corresponding resolution. Consequently, the best way to design a site that retains its usability, value, and appeal across a wide range of accessing devices is to create the site using a responsive design.

Advantages of Responsive Web Design
Improved User Experience
A responsive website leads to a better user experience. A major factor indicating the quality of user experience is the time they spend on your site. If they find it hard to navigate or use because they’re forced to constantly pinch and zoom, they won’t stay on your website.
An Increase in Mobile Traffic
Start by investigating how many of your visitors come from mobile devices and the time they spend on your site. Then, implement responsive design and compare the two numbers. Once your website adapts to the view-port width, you’ll notice an increase in mobile visits and longer time on site by those same visitors.
No Duplicate Content Penalty
Another point to keep in mind with two versions of your website is the fact that you’re essentially creating duplicate content. While search engines are getting smarter by the day, they still need to understand which website version is more important. If you’re using a mobile version of your site, your content remains the same even if the URL is different.

Improve Your Bottom Line With a Responsive Website
As you can see, there are numerous responsive web design benefits for your business. If your website isn’t yet responsive, planning a redesign and a new, fluid layout is a great first step. It will help you determine which page elements are most important, which pages can be eliminated, and how much copy you want to keep on your site.