Should You Develop A Website That is Mobile Friendly?

Having a good dedicated “Contact Us” page in your website is very important – you probably only have 15 seconds…

importance-of-having-a-good-contact-us-pageHaving a good dedicated “Contact Us” page in your website is very important – you probably only have 15 seconds to engage, capture and court your prospective customers’ attention with the key information you put on the “Contact Us” page before they decide whether to reach out to your company for the product and/or services that they are looking us.

There are several ways on how “Contact Page” can be designed and used. Some websites simply list out the company’s contact details (i.e. address, opening hours, phone number and email address) on the “Contact Us” page, while some websites will also include call-to-actions (CTAs) sentences to encourage the prospective clients to contact them now. Other websites use the “Contact Us” page as a way to filter / assess the clients’ profile first by requiring them to fill in a Particular Form. In recent years, more companies have also become more active on the social media, and you can also find their social media links, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin, on the “Contact Us” page as an alternative way to engage clients.

Whichever way your business chooses, the “Contact Us” page must be simple and straightforward for clients to understand and have them act on the desired CTAs effortlessly.

Essential elements of “Contact Us” page

Everyone views the “Contact Us” page differently. Many have preferences on how they like to contact companies for information – some prefer to email as it provides them with more privacy while others prefer to pick up the phone directly to get the information at the quickest speed. Ultimately it depends on individual’s preferences and which method saves time and is less intrusive. To cater for all kinds of clients, the following items are what we would recommend for a good “Contact Us” page:

  • Business name
  • Business address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Contact form
  • Map

Multiple departments Or locations

For businesses with more than one departments or store locations, it would be value adding for clients if you list down the contact details of each department or store location. For example, Hospitals and Universities have many departments and it certainly will be useful for callers if you state clearly on the headings with details on how each department can be reached. Retailers and restaurants with multiple outlets across the country should also have the contact details of each outlet clearly stated in the “Contact Us” page.

All in all, the main purpose of a “Contact Us” page is to ensure that your website visitors are able to reach you easily. Hence, it is crucial that you have the important information on your website to help them identify your business, allow them to know more about your products and services, and turn these prospects into loyal customers.

Get Web Development Singapore services with Subzero Lab, we have a team of specialists that will advice you and guide you along the way until the project is done.


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